Watch Chef Debee making Italian Wedding Soup on YouTube
You can have a most comforting and nutritious soup in 3 hours or in 1 hour, depending on whether you have chicken stock in your freezer or pantry. Get a large bunch of escarole (grown in a mucky soil, rich in minerals) and make ‘escarole’ the star of this meal.
2 chicken breasts
2 quarts water
1 quart favorite chicken stock
1 very large bunch escarole chopped thinly
1/2 lb. ground beef
1/2 cup Pecorino-Romano cheese grated
1 teaspoon crushed oregano
2 teaspoons crushed basil
l egg
pepper to taste
salt if desired
1. Cook chicken breasts in 2 quarts water, simmering for 1 & 1/2 hours covered
2. Take out chicken and set aside to cool a little and strain the broth into a bowl
3. Return hot stock to a clean pan and add the 1 quart of favorite chicken stock and heat
on medium until comes to a boil
4. In small bowl combine the ground beef, pec-rom cheese, oregano, basil, egg and pepper/salt
5. Make very tiny balls with hands and drop into the lightly boiling soup mixture and cover,
simmering while you wash and cut up the large bunch of escarole
6. With your hands, shred the chicken that has been cooling and drop into soup mixture
7. Now, take handfuls of the thinly diced escarole and drop into boiling soup until it all goes into the pot
8. Simmer with cover on for about 10 minutes until the escarole is tender
9. Serve in a pasta bowl with a sprinkle of Pecorino-romano grated cheese