Food Facts



*  A concentrated nectar of flowers containing pollen, propolis

*  Unheated, unpasteurized, unprocessed

*  Alkaline forming food that does not ferment in the stomach, so use it next time you have acid indigestion

*  Bees add enzymes to the honey, creating chemical compounds that prevent spoiling

*  A great immune system enhancer (builder)

*  One enzyme in the raw honey is amylase which helps to pre-digest starchy foods such as bread

*  Also contains an enzyme that produces hydrogen peroxide which is why it has anti-bacterial properties

*  Try mixing honey with lemon and ginger the next time you experience a nausea episode




*  A cheese curd product with a mild flavor

*  Small curd is high-acid cheese and is made without the use of an enzyme called rennet

*  Large curd is low-acid cheese and is made with the use of rennet

*  It is not a pressed cheese so you will get some whey in it

*  An example of a pressed cheese is Farmers and Queso Blanco

*  High in protein—14 gm in 1/2 cup

*  Use in place of mayonaise when making a Tuna Fish sandwich

*  Use in place of Ricotta the next time you make Lasagna

*  Have it as a dessert by adding lemon zest and Stevia for a sweetener OR use cinnamon

*  Make into a dip by using a Braun hand blender and add your own favorite herbs



*  In the Daisy family as is Radicchio, Belgian endive, Frisee endive

*  Commonly known as Endive, which is the long, thin, curly green leaf

*  Escarole is the wide and curly green leaf

*  It has been said that it may  help reduce cholesterol and glucose levels in diabetics

*  Good source of minerals such as Iron and Potassium



*  Has been known to reduce cholesterol, blood sugar levels and blood pressure in some people

*  It has been used as a ‘natural’ antibiotic before anti-biotics came out



*  A perfect dish for diabetics with only 42 calories and 10 carbohydrates in a cup serving

*  High water content which can increase your daily water intake

*  Good amount of vitamin C which helps in wound healing and promotes a healthy immune system

*  Good amount of vitamin B6 which helps to break down stored energy into glucose



*  Has less Calories and less Fat than cow’s milk

*  Has almost 50% more Vitamin A than cow’s milk

*  High in some of the B Vitamins

*  Has the ‘good’ bacteria which makes it a Pro-biotic milk

*  Protects against Heart disease and Alzheimers

*  Has a bit more Calcium and Protein than cow’s milk

*  Rich in Minerals, especially Selenium and Copper


*  Fermented Soybeans or a combination of rice and soy or just plain barley or wheat

*  Takes weeks or years to ferment, then it is ground into a paste

*  It has a salty taste and a buttery texture

*  Was introduced around the 7th century & is held in high regard like wine & cheese making is in other parts of the world

*  A very good source of minerals that support Immune function, like zinc, copper, manganese and iron

*  High in some of the B vitamins because they ferment it with a B-12 bacteria which gives the vegan eaters their vitamin B 12 that you would ordinarily have to get by eating meat

*  Last but not least, Miso soup Consumption is linked up with up to 50% Reduced Risk of Breast Cancer as reported in the Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 95, Issue #12


*  Cilantro is a Spanish word for Coriander leaves

*  Called Mexican and Chinese Parsley

*  Coriander is the dried seed of the Cilantro plant and is used whole or ground for pickling, in curries or in sausage

*  Has it’s own unique smell that people either love or hate


*  A delicate sweetness with a hint of fresh cabbage or turnip

*  In the family of collards, brussel sprouts, cabbage, turnips

*  High in vitamin C

*  It has been known to be good for constipation and digestion

*  It has been known to decrease wheezing in asthma cases

*  It has been known to decrease risk of cataracts forming


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